Become part of

On behalf of the Central Pennsylvania Golf Course Superintendents Association, we would like to thank you for your interest in our association.

  • The Green Sheet Newsletter

    Stay in touch with your fellow superintendents with the monthly publication of The Green Sheet, printed April through November. Informational articles and happenings within the region and superintendent work tips make this a valuable information source.

    The Central Pennsylvania GCSA has regular meetings that include an informative education speaker. Education topics range from technical turfgrass subjects to business management to personal self-improvement. The demands and technical aspects of the golf course superintendents profession are changing rapidly. Continuing education is vital to your future success. Central Pennsylvania GCSA meetings and events provide a good opportunity to meet informally with your professional peers and gather important information. Members have the opportunity to meet new people, share information, solve problems and learn more about the local golf course industry by attending these meetings. The value of your dues could easily be recovered by finding one inexpensive solution to a problem you are having on your golf course.

    The Central Pennsylvania GCSA offers help to those members who have lost their jobs or are looking for advancement through our job referral service.

Apply Today!

Become A
Corporate Sponsor!

  • Business and Corporate Sponsors

    Businesses interested in selling related products or services in the turfgrass industry are welcome to join. Affiliate members enjoy all the benefits listed above and are only limited in their ability to vote in association elections. Affiliate members also have the opportunity to promote their product and/or services by advertising in The Green Sheet.


Click below for the current Board of the CPGCSA



Rafferty DSL Information & Recipients and Scholarship Information

Past Presidents

Click below see the past presidents of the CPGCSA


Pennsylvania BMP's

Click to get a copy of the BMP's